Welcome to Saraswati Learning Center!

Franklin Roosevelt said, “When you come to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on”. My journey to establish Saraswati Learning Center (SLC) started when I was searching a special needs school for my daughter, which would offer her a holistic development. She also observed that the therapy services in English were unaffordable. Watching her struggle to overcome her difficulties, it inspired me to fight and cross all barriers!

So in 2014, PT. Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia, helped me to get an old house, an Australian Interior decorator worked with me to renovate this old house into a lively space for a school for the special needs, free of cost! SLC started operations on July 2016, with 17 students, with a belief that every individual deserves the opportunity to reach their maximum potential in the right environment. Since then, we have grown into a large organization. It has been a challenging yet interesting and meaningful journey. Currently, the school has 60% students who can afford and this is only enough to cover the operational costs of the school whereas PT. Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia and Rich accessories are covering the other 40% students.

SLC aims to be a leading organization where our services are catered not only for the children but also for the parents and the stakeholders who interact with the children with different abilities in a positive and inclusive environment.
